Recommitted to the abnormal (at least for me)

Have you ever heard of the saying, “I try to take one day at a time, but lately several days have attacked me at once?”   Man, am I living it these last few days!


We returned from our break with a fair amount of normalcy, but then…


Friday: field trip to the area museum

Saturday: a workshop at the church for the children’s ministry and a program at the local community center inspiring kids to read (great opportunity to market the business)

Sunday: church and a home Bible study for the men’s ministry

Monday: meetings and my husband’s trip to the dentist

Tuesday (today): the kids’ trip to the dentist


I also started teaching several cases between last week and this week.   We’ve been focusing in the three R’s lately, as we’ve not had time to do much else.   Yet, I trust that the kids are learning.   Tomorrow will be our first day back to a “regular” school day, and then we have to make an adjustment on Thursday, our normal “off day” when the kids head to a local university for art class.   By Friday, right before the weekend (ha ha), we should have all of the schedule disruptions out of the way!


Easter, or Resurrection, Sunday is less than two weeks away.    As usual, the church has its level of chaotic activity in preparation for an awesome celebration.   This year we’ve teamed with a number of churches in the area to have one colossal service at the sports stadium.    I love the idea of churches coming together in the name of  the fact that unites us all—Jesus was crucified, died, was buried, and rose again.   I committed to myself at Christmas to not allow activities to distract me from the reason we celebrate, and I am recommitting to the same for this season.  I will trade my Martha-like tendencies, at least temporarily, to be Mary.   I will slow down and sit at Jesus’ feet this season.   I will take the time to meditate on what Jesus did, what He didn’t have to do, for me.   God bless you today.

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2 thoughts on “Recommitted to the abnormal (at least for me)

  1. Hi! I just wanted to share a really neat idea that was passed onto me last year. My friend gave me a recipe for "The Resurrection Buns"…
    -Make a bread or bun dough that you prefer.
    -Divide dough into equal amounts to make buns.
    -Insert a marshmellow into the centre of each bun.
    -Close bun by pinching dough together.
    -Dip top of bun into a sugar/cinnamon mixture.
    -Place buns in a 9×13 pan, sugar side up, and let rise until doubled in size.
    -Bake according to your bun dough recipe.
    These buns taste awesome and there is an empty hole inside where the marshmellow melted…the empty tomb where Jesus rose again! My kids loved this visual teaching!Edited by 4realblessings on Mar. 27, 2007 at 9:30 PM

  2. I wish churches in our community would come together! My Mom owns a small Christian Book store through which she & other volunteers minister to so many in our area. The problem is clear — jealousy among the churches! It is a sad situation for the cause of Christ!

    We have been launching a ministry called "Circle the Wagons" which is basically asking the churches to come together & win this community for Christ! To circle the wagons like the pioneers did for protection from the enemy. In the churches case — Satan!

    I'm so happy for you that you are in an area where churches unite & celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord & Savior! You've also inspired me to spend time this week on the Reason we celebrate rather than all the activities!

    May God richly bless you! I'll be reading your blog whenever I get a chance!

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