Hi, and many thanks to all of you who have been so encouraging in these last few days, and especially to Keri Mae of AHappyHome who took the time to type the entire 42nd psalm. It’s hard to believe that people I’ve never met can be so very dear to me in such a short time. I have managed to pull myself somewhat out of my ditch, largely by speaking God to my situation. Jeremiah 29:11 and Romans 8:28 are two of my favorite scriptures, reminding me to trust God’s heart when I don’t see God’s hand in situations. This thought saves me from feeling forsaken.
My husband and I have been co-teaching a Sunday school class for months now that has been slow getting off the ground. Our church is in a desperate effort to save teenage and young adult souls for Christ before they find the pleasures of the world irresistibly tempting. Consequently, we have several opportunities that compete for their time and energy. This morning, with a classroom of desks and no bodies, my husband and I had a chance to talk and to pray. My HUSBAND IS SO SEXY!!!! (He typed that part while I was away from my computer, and I’m going to leave it in here-won’t he be surprised the next time he reads the blog—LOL!)
Back on track, my oh, so sexy husband and I had a chance to talk and pray, and I began to realize that my mildly depressed state had more to do with FEAR—False Evidence Appearing Real—than it had to do with reality. Several weeks back, a prayer partner said to me out of nowhere, “More prayer, less work!” At the time I thought, “Yeah, right.” But then today as my husband and the kids went to the park to feed birds and eat snow cones, my oldest asked why I couldn’t go with them anymore, and then it hit home. Earlier, I told my husband that I was getting burned out with my current life, and that I had been moving in the wrong direction of my prayers, settling for the comfortable here and now rather than moving in what I know is God’s plan and direction, and executing faith steps in the process. Now with things being snatched from me, I had allowed my very active imagination to take me down a path of total anxiety, worried about what might never occur in 4-6 months, focusing on the worst, and being totally disobedient to every word I know of scripture. I tell you, harnessing the mind is harder than herding cats. So, as I began to put some facts around all my fears, I was able to find peace. Then I put faith around my facts: my logic doesn’t include the fact that my eyes have not seen and my ears have not heard, nor has it entered into my crazed mind all that God has planned for me. My logic doesn’t include the fact that I have positioned myself for the Lord will pour me out a blessing that I won’t have room to receive. Finally, in all the brainpower that I could muster, it doesn’t compare to His promise to give exceedingly and abundantly more than I can ask or think according to the power that is already working in me.
I never want to appear spiritually arrogant, so let me be clear in saying that I write this more to myself than to anyone else because I know that the time will come again when I have to remind myself of who I am in Christ. But I know you have moments of doubt, too, so hopefully this is ministering to you as it does to me. But it also occurred to me today that I live a great life, one that I don’t take for granted. It’s hard to imagine that my latter will be even greater, but God …WOW.

Thanks for writing this — I really needed to hear it today of all days!