My Favorites in 7’s Tag

 I was tagged by Pumpkin’s Momma, and had some revelations about myself while putting this together which I’ll share when I have more time.   Also, I’m still thinking about who to tag.   Anyway, here goes: 

 7 of my Favorite Books (I hope I’m allowed 8, since I was short on the devotionals):

The Bible

The Gospel of Good Success by Kirbyjon Caldwell

Singin’ in the Comeback Choir by Bebe Moore Campbell

Educating the Whole Hearted Child by Sally Clarkson

The Miseducation of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson

 Move Ahead with Possibility Thinking by Robert Schuller

The Chronicles of Narnia (I’ve read all but 2) by C.S. Lewis

Tim LaHaye’s Left Behind series


7 of My Favorite Movies

Field of Dreams

Imitation of Life

It’s a Wonderful Life

The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

Star Wars: the Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars: the Attack of the Clones


7 of My Favorite Foods


Turkey burgers

Spaghetti (with whole wheat pasta and ground turkey)

Shrimp, no matter how it’s cooked


Fish, especially salmon, red snapper, and tilapia

Sweet potatoes


7 of My Favorite Drinks


Orange Juice

Hot teas

My mother-in-law’s iced tea



Grape juice


7 of My Favorite Bible Studies

The book of Acts (where I am now)

The book of Proverbs, especially a walk through Proverbs 31

Spiritual Gifts studies

Walking through the book of Psalms

The Book of Esther

God’s plan for marriage (based on Ephesians 5)

Money, Honey? Honey, Hush! (also God’s Plan for your Finances)



7 of My Favorite Devotionals  (I’ve not completed a lot of devotional studies outside of simply reading my Bible, but here goes:)

The Pursuit of Holiness by Rhonda Kelley

The devotionals that are a part of my Women’s Devotional Bible

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7 thoughts on “My Favorites in 7’s Tag

  1. Movies are the hardest area for me to choose my favorites. I jokingly said I could choose seven weekly from every Genre, truth is I could. my five year old Granddaughter was "Lucy" for about six months! When we went to see Narnia at the movies the girls were dressed in furs, the boys in Armour!

    Because of Jesus, Bobbie

  2. Yes, I homeschooled my daughter and my son all the way through High school and wrote a couple books about it while doing it. You can find them here on our website.
    I also have a few links on the right side of my blog.

    And pictures of Narnia you can find on my daughter's blog, because when we went, I wasn't blogging yet. it is down near the bottom Dec 12th .

    I know what you mean about wanting to know if your words are doing what your heart longs for them to do. Validation is a very good thing. I always try to comment wherever I go.

    I will let Tirzah know you stopped by her blog, maybe I will have her mom transfer it to HSB. She spoke last week at her dad's church about "slavery today". Between reading "Be The Change" and the movie "Amazing Grace", she is on fire over this issue.

    Because of Jesus, Bobbie


    I just thought I would share that website. It showed me a lot about how to mess with my template and change things like comment buttons.

    If you know how to use your computers paint program or how to find graphics and upload them to homeschoolblogger or photobucket you will be able to change your stuff around pretty easily.

    BTW I have never had wassail and I LOVE sweet potatoes. I never had them until my husband forced me after we were married. It turned out to be a favorite food.

I'd love to hear your two cents!!