Pardon my Dust!

I’m in the process of changing the blog’s appearance.   After a year, I’ve grown weary of the coffee cup, and I fancy myself more savvy with blog templates now than before.    I’m going to see if I can maintain the "With a Taste of Chocolate" theme, yet make the template more me, so to speak.  We’ll soon find out, but, here goes!

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3 thoughts on “Pardon my Dust!

  1. It looks great. Maybe you should find a chocolate bar to put on here or something 🙂

    Sorry I haven't been around much. I will catch up on your other posts later.

  2. Your kids are so beautiful. Thank you for visiting. I have been neglecting my blog. I've been a little busy….Well a lot busy.

    I will be back to catch up tonight, as I am not sleeping any more. The Fasting title caught my eye so I most definately will be back.

    Just wanted to drop in and say Hi. I was not expecting the awesome treat of getting to see your beautiful children. For a second I thought I was in the wrong place. LOL :o)

    God Bless.

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