I’ve been tagged by Fruitful Family!
Tag Rules:
1).The player starts with 8 random facts about herself.
2).The person who is tagged must post, on her own blog, her answers and post the rules first.
3).Then the player must pick 8 people and tag them. Also leave them a note on Message that lets them know that you tagged them. You can write who you tagged on your blog also!
This is a neat tag! I had to think a bit about random facts, but here goes:
1. I don’t like cats (this one was from Fruitful Family, but I left it on mine because it’s so true!
2. I still like 80’s music.
3. I hate being called a girl (probably a corporate/feminist hangover) unless it’s from someone I consider a friend.
4. I’m perhaps the only person I know who went to Hawaii, never touched the beach, and still had a blast.
5. I think I’m developing a fear of heights as I grow older.
6. I talk to myself, though I’ve not gotten bad enough to begin answering my own questions.
7. My feet grew ½ size each pregnancy (I’ll keep the current size to myself).
8. I’m an NFL fanatic.
I know just who I’ll tag: bubbebobbie, threelittleladies, momtomany, andijeane, titus2woman, mbullard, hebullard, and kekoa.

Well guess what? My foot has grown a 1/2 size with every child. I'm now to an 11-11 1/2. I also love the NFL! How's that for in common.
I'll try to do it if I have time. Thanks for tagging me!
It was fun. My responses are here:
Blessings to you!
My computer time is limited these days. I'll probably do this one right now.
Thanks for the very kind comment on my blog. I always appreciate it when you stop by! I do want to clarify something I wrote; "for me self sufficiency and self worth……" are those things that we finally realize when we come to Christ. We finally understand who we are and what we can do because of Christ in us, working through us, and never because of an elevated sense of self or worth on our own. Some have taken issue with that before, and I felt I needed to clarify what I meant. Without Him, I can do nothing!
Have a blessed weekend and keep looking up!
Very sweet! I now answer my own questions out loud…age is a precarious thing. (-:
I enjoyed reading your 8 facts.
Blessings to you,
Mama Karen
I have my Tag up so you can come by. Make sure yousign my vistor's map, oh I like it so much!
because of Jesus, Bobbie