The Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival

I wanted to spread the word about the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival (see the link below).    For those who are interested in learning more about this approach to education, the Carnival will be hosted by different bloggers each month, with a monthly focus on some particular aspect of Miss Mason’s theories.   This month’s topic is nature study, which was so very timely for me as the weather is finally changing here.   Always one for the practical application, I thoroughly enjoyed a number of the links and found information that has challenged my perception of what nature study can be.   I admit I had to laugh as more than one commenter complained about having ‘only a ½ acre to walk around’—they should move to the city!   


A year ago I deliberately planted Mexican Firebrushes in our front yard to attract the hummingbirds as well as lantanas for the butterflies.  In addition, my son’s bird feeder has given us some great opportunities to study sparrows.  Too bad no birds are “feeling” our homemade suet mix just yet.   I can’t wait to share our pictures, but in the meantime, check out the Carnival—you won’t be disappointed!

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6 thoughts on “The Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival

  1. Hi Belinda,
    Yes, I saw the carnival the first day it was up. It was pretty amazing. I couldn't get to half the links! I can't believe all the people who use CM! It is wonderful!

    Thanks for all your comments. I appreciate your friendship. We're enjoying Farmer Boy as a bedtime read aloud right now. I think I read chapter 18 tonight. They are good books, but we'll probably put off the others while we read more about the time period that we are studying right now – 1450 to 1800 or so. Do you have any other suggestions that might help us cover peoples besides Europeans and native Americans that young people (8-10 year olds) would enjoy listening to?


  2. Thanks for sharing.
    I can't wait to read more about it and see your photos.

    Good for you for planting flowers to attract the lovely creatures.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I like the Charlotte Mason approach, so I will have to check out the carnival.

    It's a Wonderful life is one of our favorite Christmas movies. 🙂

    You have a beautiful family too!

I'd love to hear your two cents!!