In looking for other resources, I happened upon Dr. James Stobaugh’s blog and felt that he wrote my heart in speaking about the Jena 6 incident that is occurring presently in Louisiana. His words regarding the power of forgiveness that comes from a penetration of the gospel are at the heart of our company, A Blessed Heritage Educational Resources. I pray that his entry, written so eloquently, ministers to the heart of each reader. God bless you.

Thank you for sharing this link. I found it very thought-provoking. I love this quote from him:
"Without memory forgiveness is cheap and destructive."
Also the part about being right or being reconciled……..i have found that to be so true in marriage and have been teaching that idea to my kids.
There are no easy answers for the racial tensions and issues. Little Rock has their fair share of current tension despite what the media chooses to show in regard to the "Nines" anniversary last week.
By the way, there is a smile for you at my blog.
Edited by sahmto4orMore on Oct. 3, 2007 at 8:33 AM
Nice picture.
Hi Belinda,
I am giving you the Blogger Star Award. You can get it here:
for the "I Spy" game. It was a suggestion of my language arts curriculum from Sonlight.
I am sorry about the Jena 6 stuff. I hadn't heard about it.
You have such a darling sweet-faced daughter.
Would you please confirm this rumor?
Your husband
I have to agree with you. This post was profound and my hearts cry. I might have to use this man's post on my blog. I have been trying to get the words together for a post about the separation of the body do to class and race making the body like a modern day caste system. If we'd do like the gentleman says, there could be such forgiveness, healing and restoration.
I look forward to checking this out.
You are on Lesson 11 already? WOW! I didn't know about the CM carnival either~SOOOO many good things here today! (((((HUGS))))) sandi
That was a really good article. Thanks for sharing it. 🙂