We run our school on 4 sessions of a 9-week-on, 1-week-off schedule, and so we’ve come to our Fall Break. I think I needed it as much as the kids. For sure we’ve had a rough start this year, and the hurricane didn’t help me psychologically. One of my many blessings was the decision to step back from some of my part-time work. I hadn’t realized the toll this work took on my energy, my enthusiasm for school (or anything, for that matter), and my thinking/reflection time—so important to the introvert. I have all the trepidation of anyone else who’s turned her back on money during these troubled times, but I’m glad that I didn’t try to tackle this year with the load that I would normally take on; I would have been a lunatic by now!
We had more of Sally’s baked oatmeal this morning (if interested, click here). The first time I added the apples, Craisins, and walnuts; it was a delicious twist on one of my favorite breakfast foods. I tweaked the recipe from the first time I cooked it, adding applesauce, half-n-half rather than milk, and a little extra cinnamon—perfect! She lists the serving size as 6 helpings, or 4 man-sized portions. My husband and I were both mighty men this morning (smile). Today is our fasting day, so no lunch, and dinner’s already prepared (7-layer salad with tortilla chips). If the Lord says the same, I will complete the following activities over this week:
Clean my very dirty downstairs baseboards
Clean kitchen counter
Clean bathrooms
Touch up my master bathroom paint job
Vacuum upstairs
Prepare a give-away package from the 5-year-old’s closet
Put tree spikes down to do their work over the winter (mulching needs to happen soon, too)
Business/ Work:
Wrap up the final touches of the unit study I’m putting together on the Harlem Renaissance
Incorporate pictures of new cover pages on the website and my Homeschool Lounge nook
Grade all students’ papers in a timely manner
Read (complete?) Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther as a potential candidate for the oldest’s studies in ancient costume and fashion next year
Continue to look for reasonably priced worldview DVDs (also for next school year)
Review the 5-year-old’s curriculum so that I have a few hands-on ideas to make our time together more fun
Read to stay ahead in the books the oldest and I are working through together–Know What You Believe, Ourselves, and How to Read a Book
Write Tirzah and my oldest friend Felicia, as it’s been too long
Sleep a little later
Exercise 3 times this week
Enjoy more of The Home Ranch with the kids
Take kids to the zoo
I’m sure there’s more, but it’s not coming to me right now. Blog? Well, maybe, but I really want to make headway in some of the untouched areas, like the baseboards. God bless you.

Hey, I thought this week was supposed to be a "break". 🙂 Have a good, and productive, week off!
I love this post. It reminds me of the things I need to do and have neglected for sometime. A list like yours would be handy… need to sit down and start jotting down before something else diverts me. Thank you for this post.
Will be hopping off to check the Baked Oatmeal. The 7-layered salad sounds yummy, too. May I have a recipe of it?
Thanks for visiting my blog sometime back =)
Grace be,
So good to see you are doing well.
Feel free to come to my home next. Ha! I'm trying to catch up on laundry as I type. Oh, Blogger hosts my domain. If you have a blogger acct, you can purchase your own domain for $10/yr.
Thanks for checking on me, friend. Always good to hear from you and see what you are up to.
It makes me tired reading your "break" to-do list! You're gonna have to get back to your 'normal' schedule so you can rest up!
I'm so glad you are enjoying your less stressful schedule without work. I pray the Lord blesses your finances and makes up any loss. Enjoy those kiddos.
Your list looks something like mine did this week. I had more run around things though. That is one chore I dislike the most and that is running errands. The price of gas never helps either. I prefer the chores at home over that rush feeling of getting it done and dragging the kids in tow. Have a great week.
Hope you are getting all you wanted accomplished.
Thank you for coming by my "ranch" this week. I really enjoyed your visit and the comment you left for me. And I'm really glad you came by, because it prompted me to come visit you – I might not have known you were here had you not. It's nice to meet like-minded friends.
You have some list there girl! Wow! I think with a list like that you might not be able to accomplish the one about "sleeping in".