This is our spring break week, and it promises to be a busy one for me. If the Lord says the same, I will:
(with the superhero’s help) weed the flower beds
Place fresh mulch in the flower beds
Plant tree spikes (fertilizer) once the rain comes
Write KeriMae to thank her for the sweet pea seeds
Plant sweet pea seeds
Learn how to make a buttonhole on my daughter’s sewing machine
Complete youngest daughter’s dress by adding buttonholes
Begin oldest daughter’s dress (complete it?)
Post 2 (3?) entries to the blog
Read to kids each day (well, almost each day)
Work with kids on end-of-year project progress
Plan kids’ schedule up until the end of March, if not Easter
Compile the 5-year-old’s dinosaur lapbook
Update website to reflect readiness of latest unit study
work with printer on book inventory
prepare for “Heartbeat Live” radio show on March 26th
The items I didn’t list are the ones that will happen anyway—housework, washing and braiding hair, grades for my “big kids.” We will actually get to attend mid-week service this week, which has been out for a while now with the kids’ dance schedule (the dance center is on break, too). What I’ve managed to fit in thus far is sleeping late! I should make our spring breaks coincide with the time change each year—it is so much easier to adjust with a little extra time to get a handle on “springing forward.”
The question marks are my stretch goals, but as I write, it occurs to me that my week wasn’t that aggressive. Could it be that I’ll actually complete everything on the list? This might be a first!

I'm sorry, but I thought "Spring Break" meant NO lists, no clocks, and no schedules. *LOL*
Looks like you've already accomplished a lot. Hope you have time to do some of the extra fun things, like scrapbooking.
What are you reading to the kids? That is my favorite part of school. I love that you are on spring break and yet part of your to do list is "school"! Sounds like me!
As for the book of James…My Father's World year 4 this year had it all scheduled out for us to do it. Ciara has an amazing ability to memorize scripture, and she is almost on schedule. I don't think she will be able to do the entire 99 verses by the end of the year without prompt, but she will be able to do most of it, I'm sure. She has done the first chapter without prompt last fall. Jaedyn, 9, burnt out on it long ago. I like James from my own experience with it at a summer camp when I was in 6th grade!
I'm wondering if you still follow Lindafay's blog. I still get a lot out of her posts.
I haven't heard of the Laurence Yep books. They sound absolutely lovely. Where do you come by such books? Surely they won't be found in the library, or will they? They sound great. Ralph Moody wrote Little Britches too, didn't he? I think that one is on my list for next year. I will have to look up the ones you mentioned too, as we will be doing that era next year as well. I'm getting Lindafay's posts forwarded to my email – then I only have to go to her blogspot place when I want to comment.