If you want to participate in this meme, please visit Carol at ThreeLittleLadies, and be sure to link your post to her Mr. Linky so that we can all see what life has in store for you. Here goes:
As an individual, I…
am in awe of God. Today, we taught our 13 and 14-year-old Sunday school class. We began teaching this group over a year ago, and it’s been nothing nice. There are so many basic struggles that get in the way of just teaching a lesson, and I empathize with teachers of kids that are stereotyped as “urban” or “inner city.” Sadly enough, we’ve had a recent rash in our metro area of teachers who’ve been released and arrested for having drugs in their cars, etc. I’m sure they’re trying to cope in impossible situations. In our class there are generally about 15 kids each week; less than 5 read at grade level. More than half of the kids are bused into the church from a home where no one else is attending church. Then we have situations like this morning, when we found out that one of our most active students (though nerve-wrecking in his insistence on contributing when he should be quiet) was sent to a psychiatric hospital after he attempted to run away from his foster home. When we were recently asked to step up and teach this class twice a month rather than once a month, we did it more out of obligation than feeling called. Candidly, there are more than a couple of troublemakers that I dread seeing get off the bus, and I honestly think that some are just there to have a place to go. We have a group of siblings that make a point of hiding in various corridors until time to head back home—what’s the point? Anyway, on 4th Sundays, most of our kids are pulled out of class in order to attend a meeting for youth servant volunteers. This often leaves us with the kids that come infrequently and the troublemakers—way to start a Sunday, right? This morning, we had 4 students. My superhero taught a marvelous lesson that compared Jonah to Jesus, and, to make a long story short, the 4 paid close attention, asked questions, and even interrupted my husband so that they could have turns in reading the Bible. I left knowing that it had nothing to do with me; my husband has taken on recent teaching because I’ve been flooded with everything else and haven’t made time to study the upcoming lessons. The Lord is so faithful to multiply our five loaves and 2 fish, if we would just bring it to Him.
As a wife and homemaker, I…
am amazed at how life can turn around so very quickly. The days seem to have spun since I posted our unemployment testimony, and we are now on the eve of my husband’s season at his new employer, and we are proud owners of the cutest little SUV. When we left the car dealer’s on last Friday, my husband said a simple, “Thanks for everything.” It was a mouthful that meant, with the look in his eyes, ‘I needed someone to stand by me, and I’m glad YOU were there.‘ I pray to see that look for many years to come. It’s funny; he became quite the homeschooling dad while here with us. Today, he took the five-year-old outside and caught a couple of huge slugs for keeping. Then he came in like a true homeschooler and searched the Internet for how to care for a slug–hilarious. I’m glad we’re crossing over, but I’ll miss some parts of where we’ve been these last few months.
As a mom and homeschooling parent, I…
am feeling behind, on a Sunday night. Last week when my husband taught, as much as I enjoyed it, it threw me totally off track with checking their work, keeping up with their progress, etc. I think I was too caught up in enjoying the teaching break and wasn’t mentally able to balance the need for a true rest with the reality that notebooks and papers stack up on you if you don’t go through them for five days. So here I sit, determined to write two blog entries, but also to get through all their work last week and be prepared for in the morning. It’s looking like a late night.
As a business owner, I…
am loving being ordered by God’s steps. HSB made a mistake and forgot to include my ad in an upcoming e-newsletter, so I’m getting one free ad, for a total of three—thank you! Home School Enrichment magazine had remnant space that allowed me to get an ad in that is twice as big as the old one for ½ the cost. I hope to spend significant time editing the elementary series this week if I can get my “big kid” grades completed early.
May God bless your week as well.

I'll be praying for your superhero as he begins his new job. I know this will quickly take your days back to "normal", but I'm sure the kids will miss having him around each day… maybe a little bit. How cool that he acknowledged you. I hope that continues too… when times are good.
Oh, I'm a Homeschool Enrichment subscriber, so I can't wait to read your article in the upcoming issue. How cool!
BTW, I'm still trying to figure out how you do so much each day.
I'm so glad to hear about your dh and his new job, and a new SUV to boot! How cool is that? Is that what is in the new pic at the top of your blog?
I'm sorry I didn't see this until today…I know I checked this into the week, but somehow missed when you linked! Oh well, at least I was able to catch up with you today!
We had a similar thing as your slug story last summer we became the proud pet owners of a crayfish! Funny, huh? It made for some great science, and they really are fascinating! Did you actually find a site that told you what to feed your slugs?
Lastly, the picture you are using at the top of your blog links to a meme that no longer exists. I have a new graphic at the top of my page that you can use if you so desire…
Anyway, great to catch up with you again!