If you want to participate in this meme, please visit Carol at ThreeLittleLadies, and be sure to link your post to her Mr. Linky so that we can all see what life has in store for you. From where I sat this past week,
As an individual, I…
am not sure where I am! Seriously, I’d been thinking about something here and just can’t gather my thoughts enough to write. I think that enough is going between school, church, and work until I’ve not taken a moment to categorize my thoughts, much less articulate them in a way that would be discernible to anyone else. Maybe some time mid-week.
Everyone on the Wii Fit has gotten a good rest this week, including me. School has safely swamped me this week.
As a wife and homemaker, I…
sometimes think that marriage is an indication of God’s wonderful sense of humor. I mean that with tongue-in-cheek sarcasm. Remember my sharing about what men want from women? See my August 2nd wrap-up for that list. During the time our pastor shared it, my husband was the choir, the deacon board, and the head of the amen corner all rolled into one. He talked about it for that day and for several days afterward. On last week and on today, Pastor shared the list of what women need from men. I thought it was hilarious that it’s taken two weeks for women, but only one week for men (LOL). Here’s our list of top 5 needs from men:
Affection (sex, yes, but especially in the form of non-sexual touches)
Appreciation (men need to drop their fix-it mentality and appreciate the 99% of things to praise a wife for rather than try to fix the 1% that’s wrong; if a wife is loved and appreciated, she will outgrow (change?) the parts that aren’t right
Openness and honesty
Financial support (this comes in the form of a willingness to share resources with your wife and buy gifts
Family commitment (do things with the kids)
Well, for all his energy a few weeks back, today he needed clarification. “Don’t you think that these only apply to…” and “The only problem I had with what he said was…” We’ve been talking about these things for much of our 17 years. I’m thinking that I’ll give our list marinate time (heavy sigh).
As a mom and homeschooling parent, I…
am continuing to enjoy these great days. Three years later, I’m finally beginning to appreciate early learning. Then again, does 1st grade qualify as early learning? Well, anyway, the youngest and I are enjoying our time together more and more. As I said before, she’s enjoying history, I’m sure because she’s heard the older two talk about it and now feels like she’s studying “big girl” things. When I gave the older two notebooks to use as commonplace books, she insisted that she also have a notebook, and insisted on snippets of interest for her book as well. So we’re using Story of the World for her, and talked about the Fertile Crescent on last week. Here is the first page she put together, with a shout-out to Dinah Zike and her Big Book of Books:
The accordion book opens up into a coloring sheet on a Sumerian city. I put together my first Squidoo lens here and, consequently, was able to quickly recall all of this for this week’s studies.
The youngest is also very musical. Coming from a musical background (a lifetime of choirs until I was 25, as well as the piano lessons Mom made all 5 of us take), it’s not hard for me to invent silly songs about anything. This week’s song was “English-body, Spanish-cuerpo,” which helped her remember the Spanish word for our bodies. I found a wonderful English-Spanish diagram of all the major body parts.
Oh, if only I could stay this “together” for the bulk of the year!
The older two are also zooming. Our son is learning so much about the Dani tribe of Papua New Guinea, and I’m reminded of Sonlight founder Sarita Holtzmann’s recent talk about teaching your kids to have a heart for the nations. I’m so glad their worlds are bigger than our little town, and I pray that their hearts are following suit.
The oldest and I are still reading Ourselves by Charlotte Mason. I see why her methods work so very well; they are perfectly aligned with scriptural principles. This week we’ve been reading about the pity, both as a good thing and a bad thing. Miss Mason speaks of the ways to come against indulging in self-pity: 1) think about others and 2) to recognize where you are and move on—quickly. Does that sound like Job 42:10, Romans 12:10 and Philippians 4: 8-10 to you? She attended Heart of the Matter’s “God’s Gift for Girls” virtual conference on this past weekend, and it was indeed a gift—an intimate crowd of mature girls seeking to be Godly young ladies.
As a business owner, I…
am still editing, and trying to complete articles to get them posted. Lord, order my steps!
May the Lord bless your week as well.

Don't you love it when your girls engage with learning things, especially when it makes them into godly young ladies! I hope your week this week went great too.
Hi ya! Great to see your notebook! I really loved your Squidoo lens. It's a great place to organize your thoughts. 🙂