Alright, so much for the early trend. I feel as if I’ve been running like a wild woman, but I’m not sure if I’m accomplishing much. Anyway, if you want to participate in this meme, please visit Carol at ThreeLittleLadies, and be sure to link your post to her Mr. Linky so that we can all see what life has in store for you. This will be quick because I need to get off of my computer and let the superhero try and rid my computer from a pesky, but not destructive, virus. I think we got caught in that wave of strange happenings from .pdf files.
From where I sat this past week,
As an individual, I…
was left with the gamut of emotions from anger to happiness after this past Sunday. Most of all, I feel a joy way deep down—as the song says, a joy that the world didn’t give and the world can’t take away. Church was everything I had hoped for and then some. We had a guest speaker who talked about the Proverbs 31 woman—always challenging, but also an excellent reminder of what should be our priorities as women of God. Meanwhile, our co-teacher didn’t do much teaching at all after having the nerve to critique our work. That summary came via our daughter, who said that they spent time reviewing what we taught the week before, and after adding another 5-10 minutes to it, proceeded to discuss the new logo for the class. Geesh!!!!!!!!!!! In the meantime, I had two young ladies of that same age bracket come to me excitedly to ask if we were still teaching, and to say that they’d be joining our class as of next week. There are a number of praise reports in spite of what is currently going on, and I’m going to do my best to post them this week.
I worked out once last week. No excuses, just the commitment to keep after it.
As a wife and homemaker, I…
have a number of projects that are crowding my plate and need to happen between now and the year’s end. I need to pick back up on my sewing habit almost a month’s rest. I made a shirt for my son that is too small, so it’s been hanging on our doorknob while I procrastinate on putting buttonholes and buttons on it before putting it on the giveaway pile. I laid out a second shirt for him, but it’s a spring/ summer shirt and fall is just around the corner. Looking at him walk around in his bathrobe just a few days ago, I saw an obviously more pressing need. If he were a woman, he’d be in a mini-skirt. I promise you, those legs are growing while he sleeps.
As a mom and homeschooling parent, I…
am still basking in the glow of happy students who are happy with learning. Our youngest is taking off to the point that I wonder if I should have gotten a higher grade level of books in several areas. Of course, we can always move forward as needed, and we will, but sometimes it feels like the K level materials were much more difficult than 1st grade, especially in math and phonics. We began reading Heidi this week. I’ve been thinking to count the number of times I’ve read several children’s classics. It is amazing how timeless these stories are, and the ability of each to capture emotion and pull us into the heart, and indeed the very location, of what’s happening. Reading of how Heidi was tossed around at the whim of adults who served their own self interests as much as Heidi’s touched the protective part of me. The youngest wasn’t too fond of it, either; we didn’t stop at her preferred happy evening.
The older two are enjoying their time as well. Our son is finishing Henry Reed, Inc., and excited about getting to the library to read sequels. Now if I could just get him that excited about the details of math. The oldest is now a teenager in full bloom, with a demanding schedule that includes a high school load of courses, church responsibilities, a full plate of dance instruction and training, and then comes the cell phone. I think she is totally embracing her impending womanhood and, thankfully, has “stepped up her game” a notch in preparation for less time with me and being evaluated more by others.
As a business owner, I…
am setting up the affiliate program and truly hoping that I can get back to editing this week. This is also another task that I’m adding to the list for fall break—can’t believe we’ve already been in school for seven weeks!
May the Lord bless your week as well.

Sounds like a great week! I hope this week continues the trend. -KarenEdited by karen0317 on Sep. 22, 2009 at 10:34 AM
Hello my friend, I missed reading your posts. Sounds like things are going well with your family. My computer broke but I finally back on, yippee =) Lord bless your week………..
I've been amazingly busy the past few days.
I'm sorry the church teacher saga still goes on. Some people are slow at "getting it".
I'm glad your high schooler is stepping up!
Hope your week this week was good too.