If you want to participate in this meme, please visit Carol at ThreeLittleLadies, and be sure to link your post to her Mr. Linky so that we can all see what life has in store for you.
From where I sat this past week,
As an individual, I…
am on the wind-down period after a crazy weekend with children’s activities. I’ll explain in more detail later, but our son had his first competition this weekend, and the youngest had her next-to-the-last basketball game. Both cars saw more activity than we’d seen in a while, and afterward, we were all kissing the ground at home. If I can cruise into our spring back, I should have the energy to get out and cut down our now dead safari in the backyard so that the first sign of green can show through. I absolutely love spring.
As a wife and homemaker, I…
marvel at God’s provision power and His timing in things.
For at least the last couple of years, it would almost appear that I could time something in the house to break down right when “extra” money, i.e. funds that didn’t have a designated home, would come. I remember complaining about this on a blog post years ago, and Letitia’s suggestion was to pray for specific things. Well, for sure, I don’t think my list of specific things is specific enough. That said, it shouldn’t have surprised me when our 17-year-old washing machine went to that great appliance haven in the sky a few weeks back. I dragged myself to the appliance store, wrote a check for the new washer, and praised God, though I sounded more like Eeyore than Tigger, for the money to make the purchase without going into debt. Now I’m imagining that there must have been some Toy Story-like discussion in the appliance store amongst the washer and its matching dryer before we gave the washer a new home, because guess what crapped out when the next big check came? Having a new washer and dryer is fun; I’m so efficient now with dirty clothes until I am scared of me, you know? But the part of me that wants to see our rainy day fund cover a lot more rainy days hates to write checks to repair and/or replace things. I won’t grumble. My blessing is in my praise, right? So, I choose to bask in my new-found efficiency. I choose to enjoy all the new bells and whistles (and power!) that my old set, bought not long after we were married, didn’t have. I choose to rejoice with those who rejoice, namely, our six-year-old, who loves her new condo:
As my blogging buddy Kysha says, it is all about the box(es).
As a mom and homeschooling parent, I…
cannot believe that it’s March already! We will take a spring break in a couple of weeks, and afterwards, there are only nine weeks left in the school year. Where does the time go?
Our son got his first competition jitters out of the way this past weekend. Here’s a picture of the group having fun before they went on stage. With all the make-up the girls have on, you wouldn’t believe that most of them are only 10 years old! I’ve blogged before about some of the practices of competitive dance that I think send a poor message about beauty. In the meantime, the youngest is impatiently awaiting her turn to compete…
The team placed right in the middle with everyone else. As strange as this sounds, I was actually well pleased. Though our son wasn’t on the team on last year, I heard enough parents complain that the general talent level was not where it should be, and it’s a hard task for child and parent to go to these events and consistently score toward the bottom of the barrel. We even lost a couple of girls because of some of the issues with team membership and dance ability. So, I was thrilled for the other parents who stayed that this year’s team was legitimately in the hunt with everyone else.
Our son also placed in the middle of the pack with his solo—not a place that he’s accustomed to being, so he had to fight his way out of being depressed. Then he realized that well over 90% of the dancers got his same rating, with only a few standing out, so he didn’t feel quite as bad. The thing that hurt him most was that his dance requires him to complete a lot of floor work (sliding, etc.), and this particular floor, according to him, was sticky. You could see on his face during that first slide that he was shocked when he didn’t go as far as he thought. Oh, well, it was humbling for him, and that has its merits, too.
We continue to make our way through school, although I am lost as to how we’re going to finish our Great Books studies this year—we’re still on the Odyssey! For science, she’s in a contest to see who can make a plant grow the fastest. We chose a piece of our already-thriving ivy since it’s one of those no-brainer varieties.
As a business owner, I…
continue to fill orders. After not having my inventory that high, I thank the Lord that I’m actually having to run to the printers more often!
May the Lord bless your week as well.

Love the condo 🙂 and praise the Lord you were able to write checks out for your new appliances and don't have to hang your laundry to dry. May they live long, efficient lives!
I'd love to know more about why you all choose dance? What benefits are there for your children? Are you hoping for scholarships? Were either of you dancers? Inquiring minds want to know…sincerely 🙂 My lil gal is asking to do dance, but I am not sure it is an environment I want to immerse her in.
Thanks for opening up your comments. I pray that you do not have any more problems with troublemakers.
Good morning –
I'm happy to have been able to see how your doing (I'm not always able to do that, as I've mentioned before). Looks like your weeks are full and life is good. Praise Him!
LOL! "dead safari" What you need, friend, is a bunch of hens. They'll scratch up everything (including your new plantings, grrr).
I can't believe what those young ladies are wearing!!!! And they are TEN?! Yikes.
Wish I could come visit!
Keri Mae
Dear Belinda, no, I am not ignoring you… thanks for your comment the other day. :o) Was nice to hear from you. I love your daughter's apartment here, hee hee! We often have those types of dwellings built within our walls. Elisabeth had the tent set up on her bed for many days, but when it became a closet in disguise, I made her take it down.
My brain is tired from all the thought that parenting and wife-ing and homeschooling require. I wasn't made for this, but if not, then what WAS I made for? It is this, I know, and I'm glad. Just wish I were better equipped. :o) If I could just have a mind. (Sounding suspiciously like the Tin Man or one of those guys…"If I only had a brain!") I appreciate all your reflections on your home and relationships and beliefs, etc… you're very eloquent! That takes a lot of brain work, and I admire you for being able to do it AND put it down in writing.
Off to read my Bible, a late start today!