What We Unsocialized Homeschoolers Do in Summer

Not too long ago I wrote a post about staying away from judging those who insist on questioning your decision to homeschool.     One of those categories of questions/ unsolicited comments has to be around the issue of socialization.    So as I thought about our summer thus far, I couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of how “isolated” and “antisocial” our children are prone to be because they are educated at home.

Of course, there was our dance center’s annual recital.


This year’s production was “Beauty and the Beast.”   Our son was blessed to be the “Beast,” and the oldest was “Ms. Potts.”





After winning at the regional level, the oldest competed at the National NAACP ACT-SO (academic competition).   She did not place, but she made a number of contacts who will help her in forwarding her dreams, I have no doubt.    I was just happy to blow the dust off my scrapbooking skills long enough to help her with putting together the board to complement her paper:

She is already excited about next year, even selecting her project already and wanting to get her trials going while it’s hurricane season!   Talk about motivated!

Our son and the youngest have been to camps with our church, or at churches where they’ve served during the year.

Our son traveled from Texas to Tennessee with 75 other kids–poor thing, so far removed from life.  

With far fewer commitments during this summer, we’ve also enjoyed traveling with Dad and taking in the history and beauty of this great state of ours.

We try to appreciate what we have even with the sun beaming down and a whopping 100 degrees almost daily.

With a lighter class load, I’ve not had to hear about the trips after they happen because of grades, etc.    So I’ve gotten to relax with the family and even cherish a small bit of couple time:


We still have a couple more trips, and of course, planning  and writing are taking an increasingly significant amount of time right now.   We’ve also got at least one trip to the water park.

Others should be so strange and disconnected.

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2 thoughts on “What We Unsocialized Homeschoolers Do in Summer

  1. Indeed….they are SO sheltered and unsocialized! However will they transition into the “real world”! LOL! LOVE IT!

  2. Love IT!!! So sheltered ~ tisk tisk!! What a wonderful example of socialization and homeschooling. It is nice to see you around.
    Blessings, Dawn

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