Best Of…cutting costs when preparing to homeschool

On tomorrow, if the Lord says the same, I’ll attempt to fill in for an ailing Diana Waring and speak at the Heart of the Matter Online conference.    I’ll talk about cutting costs, but still teaching and learning effectively.     You can find much of what I’ll share here and here, posts that, ironically enough, were generated as a follow-up to other presentations!   How cool is that?!?  Yet, I also thought I’d post a few older entries regarding my thoughts on spending dollars where they count, and not being sidetracked by packaging, etc.    Here goes:

1)Buying books, not stuff

2) Do you really need curriculum?

3) All you really need is

4) What we do


Enjoy and be blessed!  Also, please lift Diana up to the Lord.   I feel a special connection to her as she was a critical piece of the numerous blessings that have elevated our business to a new level, and it is equally ironic, I think, that I will speak in her place.   Thanks.

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