Fall Semester, Part 2–Ready, Set,…

By God’s grace, during our “break” this week, I have…

  • graded all the older kids’ assignments
  • graded all my “big kids’ ” assignments
  • cleaned 3 rooms in the house
  • washed, dried, and folded all clothes–twice (thanks to hubby’s help)
  • placed all assignments up until Thanksgiving week into planners
  • read with the kids (about 1/2 of the days that I originally planned to)
  • secured tickets to the Texas Renaissance festival
  • (tried to ) set up dental appointments for our son
  • revised my blog, reactivating one that had lain dormant for 2-3 years
  • mended pillows, pants, etc. 
  • African-threaded both girls’ hair (a new technique for me), and twisted my own



There are still some items on my mental “to do” list that remain not crossed off, but I think we’re in a good place to begin nine more weeks.

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