Our First Graduation Party


Well, what can I say?   The event came in like a lion and went out like a lamb, but oh, the flurry of activities that occurred in-between.   Our area is big enough such that we actually have three larger, more  formal graduation ceremonies dedicated to homeschoolers in the area.  Can you imagine what that says about how far homeschooling has become??!!   In the last few weeks the oldest has posed with and without cap and gown, and we have all worked very hard to create lasting memories for the graduation event.   Personally, I was just happy to be able to blow dust from my scrapbooking tools, even if my time ran out on me toward the day of the event.   How do you compile 18 years of memories onto a science fair board?    Here was my honest attempt; unfortunately, you cannot see the books of pictures underneath the cover photos (courtesy of Dinah Zike’s Books of Books, LOL).


Our whole family became consumed with putting everything together so that this would be the celebration for us all that it truly is.   The kids did a marvelous job, though I do not think any of us gained a new-found interest in the detailing that accompanies true culinary skill.    Nevertheless, we did our best to work Henry Ford’s assembly line…

transforming this…

into these (in her new school colors, even!).

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Then of course came the event that we waited for.   With tens of friends and family who thought enough of our daughter to dedicate a Saturday to her, we all watched as this high schooler became an “official” graduate (see the chocolate drop, 2nd row, toward the middle right of the photo).


Following the graduation ceremony came an awesome reception.    As I think about it now, I can recall Dawn writing to me, saying, “Make someone take pictures for you.”   Sadly, that’s the ONE thing that did not happen, especially at the reception.    I absolutely hate that, but maybe it was a lesson in pride for me.   I was SO excited about the way all the food turned out–the Asian chicken wings, the cheescake bites with the special decorative toothpicks, the chocolate caps (shown above), etc.    I was so ready to show off all of our hard work.  After writing about being the non-party planner (see here), I was thrilled at the idea of displaying my results.    But, therein lies the problem; had it all gone the way I wanted, I would have presented Belinda’s show, and that would not have accurately captured the spirit that was in the room.   God showed up, and it was unlike any graduation ceremony I have had the pleasure of attending, even though our daughter’s celebration was the catalyst for gathering everyone together.   I loved how the Lord really spoke through people about the power of His hand on a child’s life and about who He has been in our family’s life.   It was ministry, and the overwhelming emotion of the moments was tears–tears of relief, tears of gratitude, tears of joy.


Oh, well, at least we got a shot of her with her cake.   AND, many people thought all the food was catered!!  I suppose that’s compliment enough.  We will do this again in a couple of years, and I repent right now for bragging on my new-found talent and skill.   Blessings, dear friends.

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12 thoughts on “Our First Graduation Party

  1. The entire day was WONDERFUL! And I am so glad to have been blessed with the invitation and opportunity to attend and share in such a special day! You did an awesome job, Bullard clan! And again, CONGRATS to the new graduate!

    1. Many, many thanks, and also thanks for stepping in to make such a grand display of the food (that I didn’t get pictures of–LOL)!!! You were flowin’ in your gift!!

  2. Aw, Belinda, it brought tears to my eyes just reading about it! I am certain it was a very special event. It was a virtual kick-in-the-pants, too, since I will be in this very same situation about this time next year (Lord willing!) Congratulations to all!

    1. Ruthanne, let me know if you need help!! As is now well documented, I am not the party person, but my fingers (for cooking or internet use) are at your disposal, and with some creative direction, I’m a hard worker!! Proud of you and the girls!!

    1. Thanks, Vikki! You’re [one of] my contest winners! I know that you already have “Seeds into Good Ground,” so I will send to you a unit study on the Harlem Renaissance. Congratulations!!

  3. Fantastic! I am glad you all had such a wonderful day. Oh well, on the photos! You have the most important memories to share with your family. What an exciting new chapter is opening for your dd!
    Blessings, Dawn

  4. Congratulations to Halle and to you, too, Belinda! You’ve both worked hard to get to this point.
    I’m sure your delectables were a big hit, but most important were the people and the relationships gathered to celebrate.

  5. Those pizza rolls were AMAZING! Thanks for sending a portion of the left overs our way! We loved snacking on them the next day! 🙂

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