Helping Your Children Answer the “Normal” Homeschooling Questions

It occurs to me, especially now with older children who are increasingly away from mom and dad, that a bit of education is needed to prepare our children for those who make

By Micky Aldridge from Finland (Question Mark Cloud) [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
automatic assumptions about them once our educational choice becomes a part of the conversation. Homeschooling no longer exists under the hide-your-children-inside-until-after-school-hours paradigm where it once resided. Yet, especially in communities where homeschoolers are few and far between, the thought of a child at home all day doing God- knows- what will raise an eyebrow or two.     I can remember once during a Sunday School class in our urban church, another child disapprovingly asked our daughter why she was homeschooled. She answered simply, “Because that’s what my mom and dad want to do.” This was many years ago, and I did not expect her to launch into a dissertation on the value of home education (or maybe I did?). But I could sense the hurt and rejection in her voice as she tried to somehow satisfy this kid that her education was as valuable as his public school education.   Keep reading my thoughts on how to help your children answer “the normal questions” about homeschooling in my contribution to this month’s The End in Mind blog…

Happy home educating, dear friends.





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