Summer educational fun, i.e., “edu-fun,” can be an excellent means to…
1) Begin home educating your children if you have not done it before, giving both parent(s) and child the opportunity to become more comfortable with this method of learning
2) Focus in on one specific skill in which your child needed more attention than you could give during the school year (exs. math, composition or foreign language)
3) Add in an extracurricular class or activity that the year’s schedule did not allow (exs. art or music)
4) Use a new tool to introduce a subject in a new way (exs. novel writing, gardening as botany, or cooking to learn fractions)
5) Learn life skills in a more concentrated time frame (exs. money management, sewing, cooking)
6) Bridge your child toward a new academic grade level without losing much over the summer
There is no need for formal education to stop because your local public or private school says so; on the other hand, your school can adapt itself to accommodate all of those camps, vacations, and generally lazy days in the sun that are not always school-day friendly.
Ideas? I am glad you asked!! Check them out here in my most recent contribution to Heart of the Matter Online. Be blessed, dear friends.