The Best Laid (Summer) Plans of Mice and Men

The plan was simple.   We would do what we do every year–a page of math and an hour of reading.  Oh, and I cannot forget to read the Bible with them.   And we might as well continue the book we started right before the summer break since our son was so excited about us reading it.

The additions, though greatly needed,were where the problem of reality versus fantasy began, and it did not end there.   One of my FB friends said it best: ‘If you thought the baby and toddler years were exhausting, try managing 5 separate calendars with three working teens and a high-energy 8 year old…’ 

To that end, I will share the highlights of our family calendar:

  • The oldest took a retail job during the summer months–a necessary addition to the resume of a would-be fashion entrepreneur as much as a means of extra cash.
  • Both the older two will attend summer school.
  • The youngest has various in-town and out-of-town camps over the summer.
  • Our son will teach a 2-week ballet intensive–his summer job–on the other side of town.

Did I mention also that we took advantage of an opportunity to sell a car that our family had outgrown earlier this year?  To say the least, during my taxi cab stints it occurs to me that our days have not been anywhere near as simple as I had planned.

But we press on.

Our youngest is using the Keys To… product series to concentrate on concepts related to fractions.   Computer lover that she is, I am also allowing her to use her passion constructively and read books listed on the We Give Books summer program.

Our son is continuing his studies with Teaching Textbooks and reading on his own.

As a family, we are taking a break from our page-by-page Bible study and instead using the days to cover the minor prophets.  It has been eye-opening for me to see how media has influenced the kids’ understanding of even the most familiar stories, like Jonah’s, as an example.   We’ve had fun returning to these passages to see what God truly had to say, beyond those cute veggies that tell the story a bit differently.

Finally, we are reading book one of a trilogy, Black, by Ted Dekker.  I have not yet figured out the significance of the title.

Even as I write, all of this busy-ness and preoccupation with the children’s schedules compels me to ponder one question:

What am I doing this summer?

Right now, the answer to that is…not much.  But I do have plans.  I have been reading and researching materials to write a high school curriculum.   I have also been researching potential chemistry curriculum for our son to use this fall.   Within a month, I will have to begin filling in calendars for the coming fall.  August is fairly well booked between packing the oldest up and traveling to return her to school.   We also have a family reunion during that time, and another college road trip with our son. But those are not necessarily for me.  So right now, I am thinking that I will clear some time for a project that could be truly fun: his and her bathrobes.  

mandm fabric


Hopefully, I will be able to turn this fabric into a post of my progress soon.

I won’t even pretend to have all the answers here.  What are you doing for yourself this summer?



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2 thoughts on “The Best Laid (Summer) Plans of Mice and Men

  1. Spending a week being a family of 4…very strange. Excitedly looking forward to the July 4th holiday…all 7 of us will be home. Attending the 50th birthday party of a dear cousin. Staying committed to my early morning pool workouts. (2 days down so far). Advanced training at work. Um…that’s about it…for now! Things can quickly change around my camp! LOL!

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