The Gentle Grace of Homeschooling

Now that I have talked about the biggest concerns of beginning a homeschooling journey–money, home and life adjustments, and relationships within and without the homeschooling community, there might be a sobering second thought brewing deep in the back of your mind. I would be remiss in this final edition of the “Are you Ready to Homeschool” series if I did not try to balance the previous perspective with the joys that are as much a part of homeschooling as the uncertainties. Though there are some areas of homeschooling that I do not like, there is a gentle grace of each day–those ordinary moments that make this particular path the only one that we would choose to walk.

There are the quirky collections, like the crickets in our refrigerator.

There are birds at the feeder, insects at the window, and nature walks to take, even if we don’t live in the woods.

There is shared morning tea.

There are tears and laughter over books, books, and more books.



There is time in God’s Word together.

There are family field trips.



There are pets, from the dogs to the beta fish to the gecko.

There are times of serving together.

Eventually, there is graduation and leaving the nest.



Mostly, there is daily planning, loving, learning, and watching our children grow.

Could most or all of  this happen without homeschooling? Perhaps, but not in our family. We made an intentional decision over a decade ago to educate our children at home. It seemed like an isolated decision at the time, but it became so much more; it became our way to live.

Here are some other thoughts from around the homeschool/family blogosphere on those simple joys in the daily paving of a glorious path:

How to be a Good Mom (from A Happy Home Media)

Letter to my first year self (from Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers)

The joy of homeschooling (from Happiness is Here)

You will hear it again and again–homeschooling is not for the faint of heart. But I would add that if you are willing to begin the journey, there is a measure of strength to be gained, as well a deep, deep sense of joy.

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