From my last post (part 1 on this same subject), I voiced how intriguing I thought this question was, among all the questions that are asked about this month: “What does black history teach us about God?” Though not an all-inclusive list, I envisioned myself sitting with tea in hand, relaxing on a comfy couch, […]
What Black History Teaches Us About God (part 1)
I am often intrigued by the responses of people regarding our celebration of what is commonly called Black History Month. It speaks to how much race is still core to who we are as Americans; it also speaks to how fragile we can be on this same subject. Perhaps we simply confuse discussions of race […]
Black History Needs More Than a Month
We attend a predominately African-American church in the city–a large church located in the middle of the “hood,” a church with an eye for social justice and community uplift. Celebrating the contributions of people who look like us is a regular, integral portion of our time together. Yet as I grow older, I realize how […]
How Homeschooling Can Heal
Yes, I am still here. Life has been extremely busy in the last few months, and blogging has taken the appropriate back seat to managing a home and all the associated caps that come with it. If we skip to the highlight reel, We survived Halloween (we’re not celebrators). Thank goodness it was unseasonably cold, […]
Pearls from New Places
A dear friend sent a gift with an enclosed note, saying, in part, “God…is holding tightly to this family. You are literally advancing and changing the color of homeschooling. It excites me so much…” I, too, am excited about what I see in the homeschooling community. I am excited that African-American homeschooling families are currently […]