Our First Graduation Party

Well, what can I say?   The event came in like a lion and went out like a lamb, but oh, the flurry of activities that occurred in-between.   Our area is big enough such that we actually have three larger, more  formal graduation ceremonies dedicated to homeschoolers in the area.  Can you imagine what that says about […]

As the World Turns…(an early progress report)

The fact that I’ve not written in over a week is probably a hint of how school began with a bang.   Yet, I suppose that, given my trepidation over the year in my last post, it would be appropriate to post a progress report, albeit an early one. I’ve written in previous posts about reminding […]

With 2 Days to Go…(Our school in 2012-2013)

    2 days to go. We are exactly that far away from the beginning of our school year.  Where, oh, where did our summer break go?  I have most of our plans in order, but I’m definitely behind where I like to be by this time in the summer.    The biggest deterrent to finalizing anything is […]

Losing Control

We have two weeks of school left. Usually by this time, I would already have summer reading lists compiled and printed off for the children.   In my defense, I have at least talked to my son about what I want to do.   I plan to simply keep school going with our youngest daughter.  When I […]