The Fall/Winter Garden: A Lesson in Self-Care

When you live in an area with this kind of heat, there are few joys in being outside during the summer months. But then the cooler months arrive, and what becomes bitter cold to many is, in the words of Goldilock’s Baby Bear, just right…for the gardener, that is. Someone posed a question as to […]

3 Reasons I am Thankful for Homeschooling

My blog posts, or lack thereof, are perhaps reflective of what our lives have been as of late. Rather than offer an extended apology, I will simply trust that those who have been faithful subscribers all these years are still here, and the Lord is leading those who need encouragement to this little corner.  We began […]

How Homeschooling Can Heal

Yes, I am still here. Life has been extremely busy in the last few months, and blogging has taken the appropriate back seat to managing a home and all the associated caps that come with it. If we skip to the highlight reel, We survived Halloween (we’re not celebrators). Thank goodness it was unseasonably cold, […]

Why Notebooking Works, even for Older Students

At this point in my homeschooling journey, my heart is to put my cyber arms around the folks who are just starting, or having rocky starts with transitioning to homeschooling. So many give up after the first year, or when their experience does not match all the blogs, vlogs, and IG photos they see on […]

Addressing Diversity in Homeschooling–is there any Strength in Unity?

I love how God sends His people forward without revealing it all, but instead, with a simple command: “go.” ‘The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1, NIV) The Lord then allows Jacob just a peek into his […]

Six Little Changes that make a BIG Difference

Well, we have begun another school year. You would think that with one child who is closer to the end than the beginning, and the number of years that we have homeschooled, another school year would be breezy. But this year has its own unique challenges. She is now a working woman, teaching others to […]

Ready for School–(well, almost)

A while ago, I wrote a post entitled “The Beauty of Everyday Moments.” In it I discussed the possibilities that might spring from boredom, and the realities behind many of the beautifully staged homeschools in online photos. So, in that spirit, our days haven’t been in any way spectacular, but it’s been a fantastic summer. […]

Setting the Course(s) for 2019-2020

I am not sure how we became so intrigued with foreign missions. To be honest, as a child, “missions” to me meant helping Sister So-And-So down the street who was older and on a fixed income. Of course, the  scriptures do not distinguish in Matthew 25 between the location of the least of them; we […]

The Lazy Days of Summer

We returned from a great conference–and the associated two-day drive–with all of the away-from-home-for-a-week tasks before us: reclaiming the dog from the kennel, laundry, and mail sorting. The biggest task was the garden, dry and worm-infested after a week without rain or TLC. Our youngest had little time to enjoy being home before she was […]

The Spring/Summer 2019 Garden–Healing Comes in Many Ways

She considers a field and buys it;    out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.She sets about her work vigorously;    her arms are strong for her tasks. Proverbs 31: 16-17, NIV In the last few months I began a couple of Instagram live talks to follow up my blog posts. Like many who are “building a brand” […]

5 Reasons NOT to Homeschool

A number of years ago now, I met a lovely family while speaking at a homeschool conference. After several conversational exchanges, they propositioned me about supporting an initiative about which they were passionate. I honestly can’t remember the website at this point, but the premise was that every child should be homeschooled, in essence ending […]