The Fall/Winter Garden: A Lesson in Self-Care

When you live in an area with this kind of heat, there are few joys in being outside during the summer months. But then the cooler months arrive, and what becomes bitter cold to many is, in the words of Goldilock’s Baby Bear, just right…for the gardener, that is. Someone posed a question as to […]

Lessons from the garden

Our area has been on the wet side of a tropical storm/ hurricane, so we’ve spent several days inside, reading, cleaning, and watching the streets flood.   With the storm dissipating after three days, I thought this would be the perfect morning to weed before it got too hot.   I thought I might just “hang out” […]

First Fruits (and Vegetables)

    Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.     Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Matthew 9: 37-38

Mimosa Trees and Memories

There are mornings when I awake thinking, “I’m going to write a blog post today.”    It just feels like one of those kinds of mornings—the house is still quiet, the air inside is cool, and the sun is gorgeous coming through the window.    The only problem is that I don’t have anything to say.      I […]

This year’s garden

At one time, I had the bright idea of beginning a second-blog–a nature blog.   I have to laugh at such a preposterous idea at this point as I struggle to keep this one as updated as I’d like.   Blogging can quickly become addictive, especially in an environment like HSB.   Where else do you get such encouragement, […]