“Green” Smoothies Come in Other Colors, Too!

After my excitement about indulging in “green” smoothies, my friend Kimberley says, “This looks good.  Now all you need to add is flax seeds–and beets.”    The hubby spends much of his day in some type of travel mode, so I immediately dismissed the idea of the flax.   Makes a great curl definer, though! Beets.  A […]

Green Smoothies

  When Amy’s favorite juice recipe reached my mailbox, I looked at the color and almost immediately deleted that piece of mail.   I don’t drink green drinks, I said to myself, hearing a subtle tone of Sam I Am.   Then my cousin Adrienne began posting her smoothie combinations onto Facebook and I thought, where is she getting […]

First Fruits (and Vegetables)

    Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.     Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Matthew 9: 37-38

Our Daily Bread

On Labor Day, I actually labored.    My superhero endured the heat to trim, cut and edge on yesterday, so I thought I’d do my part and weed.   The weather was so pleasant until I also decided to stay outside and clean out the garage.  It’s amazing how the day before an impending storm can bring […]