We’re baaaaaccccckkkkk, at least for a brief moment! We had a tremendous time, and experienced God’s “blow-your-mind” blessings as described in Ephesians 3:20. Then, during this past weekend, our older two participated in an academic competition. Given the trip to Memphis, we literally went almost around the clock preparing in the last minute-effort to give […]
Weekly Homeschool Wrap-Up, August 22, 2010
It’s weekly wrap-up time! If you want to join in, we’d love to see what is going on with you, so please visit Mary. The post that has been in me for close to three weeks has finally decided to come out. Ready for some serious rambling? From where I sat this […]
The Ball Game
Children’s children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers. Proverbs 17:6
What I did this summer
Given that we’re starting school on next week, I suppose this is an appropriate title. During the week that I wrote my last post, there was also Vacation Bible School (VBS). This picture doesn’t fully capture the work that was put into transforming our church gymnasium into a high seas adventure—ocean-like wallpaper and all. […]
The busiest summer–(until next year)
Unless the Lord says differently, this has been/ will be our summer: Weeks 1 and 2: preparation for this year’s dance recital Week 3: oldest in class for PSAT review Week 4 (this week): oldest away at camp Week 5: oldest in class for PSAT review, part II Week 6: son at National Dance competition […]