It Doesn’t Always Look Like a Hallmark Card

Have you ever read a blog post and thought, “Dog-gone it!!   I was going to write about that!!”   That’s where I am as I write, so I am hoping that I am somehow able to neatly tuck my own thoughts into the words that have been marinating on my heart, mind, and spirit. […]

Keeping Priorities in Organized Chaos

With over ½ of our summer gone (scary thought!), and after lamenting that all of our plans for academic studies have gone awry, I find myself asking that all-too-familiar question: where has the time gone??!!  To be sure, we have been busy.  In fact, I sometimes think that, regardless of what our car might look […]

The Do-Nothing Summer

This post could have just as easily have been entitled “Second Week of Summer,” but my heart is not to document how we spend each week of what I anticipate to be a 10-week break from our school routine.   But this was a week of “ah-has,” as we called them in my corporate days–the point […]

Losing Control

We have two weeks of school left. Usually by this time, I would already have summer reading lists compiled and printed off for the children.   In my defense, I have at least talked to my son about what I want to do.   I plan to simply keep school going with our youngest daughter.  When I […]