Homeschoolers and Socialization

I was forwarded this article from another loop.   I think it is one of the most comprehensive articles I’ve seen on the subject of homeschoolers and the arguments regarding socialization.   If you have an opportunity, this is a great read, both to educate yourself and others.

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7 thoughts on “Homeschoolers and Socialization

  1. What a great article. I am under attack for my views on homeschooling and I needed to read this tonight. Thanks.


  2. Wonderful article! Very concise and thought provoking. I'm Andrea – I followed your link from msphyllis' blog. I am another single mom Christian homeschooler like her and, being Latino, we also do Charlotte Mason homeschooling with an eye toward diversity and heritage studies. 🙂 I added you to my blogroll/friends list, I hope that was okay. God bless!


  3. that is cool, i think homeschool kids get good quality interaction – and they appreciate it more since they arne't around other kids all day…

    by the way, did i tell you yet that my dishwasher comes in stainless steel as well? I can't remember. i was reading back through my comments 🙂

    hope all is well there with you. have a great weekend.

  4. I just wanted to stop by to say hi. That was a truly awesome article. This is what I am going through with my mom who feels homeschooling my children is a form of neglect because they will not have the "normal" experiences the "normal" teenager should have.

    Thank you so much for sharing this article. It really lifted my spirit.

    God Bless,

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