Romans 12:3

I returned safely from my trip, and I’m still trying to determine what happened, not only based upon what I saw, but also in the spiritual realm which isn’t always immediately obvious.    I hesitate to post on the trip at this point, but I know that it will become clear in time, including what to say and to whom to say it.   I have such a wonderful group of prayer warriors and friends here until it is easy to forget that Blogland is a public domain.


As I continue to process last week, though, I found myself in Romans 12 this morning.   One of my personal petitions before God was to be discerning about when to speak and how to speak a soft word.   In the absence of God, I am politically incorrect–or should I say undiplomatic–all day long, very transparent, and sometimes a little too forthcoming about where I stand.   Though these traits have merit and I know the Lord will use them, the disadvantage is that I have had to grow significantly in my love walk toward others.    I’ve adopted the saying ‘everything on your mind doesn’t have to come out of your mouth’ as a life’s mantra.    At any rate, God is so awesome until I—little ol’ mouth almighty—was actually able to minister to others about being discerning and showing others grace and mercy.   Talk about a test becoming a testimony—Wow!


So, what struck me in the Word this morning?   Most of the time when I’ve heard this chapter preached, there is focus on vs. 1-2 (present yourself as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, and then be not conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of your mind) , and then a jump to a discussion of gifts.   I got stuck in verse 3 today.   Paul begins to discuss the importance of preferring others over you before and after he details the use of the gifts.   I hadn’t keyed in on the importance of this, but it became crystal clear after some of what I experienced on last week.    Without this perspective, we become arrogant; our gifts become instruments used to elevate us over one another.   We throw around words like prophetic vision as if we are the only ones privileged to receive wisdom from on high.   Dare we be so haughty as to think that spiritual maturity means that we can treat others disrespectfully?


The kids and I covered this portion of scripture recently, but didn’t spend much time on it.   At that time it wasn’t a word in season, and admittedly, I was probably more consumed with finishing and moving on to the next thing as opposed to taking in the meat of what we were reading.    Right now, we’re memorizing 1 Peter 3: 8-15, which, ironically enough, begins with the concept of living in harmony with one another, and being compassionate and humble.   I will definitely come back around to the Romans passage, and I am excited about seeing it leap off the page and walk about our home in shoe leather.     By the way, I probably won’t return here before Thursday, so I am wishing each reader a wonderful Thanksgiving.   May you find someone to prefer over you during this holiday. 

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11 thoughts on “Romans 12:3

  1. I always am so blessed as I read your posts.
    Have a blessed ThanksLiving my dear sister in the Lord.

    Because of Jesus, Bobbie

  2. I am so glad your trip went well. I loved reading your post. Thank you so much for sharing that with us and thank you for your encouraging words on my post.

    May our Lord continue to Bless you as you seek Him in doing His Will for your life. He will put the right words at the right time in your mouth and guide you to where he wants you to speak them. Don't try to rush things or go ahead of Him and Trust in Him as He guides you in this new season of your life. He is preparing you my sister, just look forward and never look back. The old has passed and He is bringing you to a new and fresh season in your life.

    God Bless You!

    In Christ,

  3. Thanks so much for posting this. The kids and I have had this passage of scripture for several weeks (for memorization) as we've talked about the early church in school. I tried to verbalize to the kids just what that part means when it says not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought, but to think of others as more important than ourselves. I knew that I wasn't really getting the point across that I wanted to convey, then I read your post! What great timing the Lord has! Thanks so much for verbalizing what was in my heart but wouldn't come out of my mouth in sensible language. I've enjoyed my visit here.

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing such kinds words. I love what you stated about marriage. My pastor's wife had commented during a women's conference something that never left me about marriage which is to be a servant. Husbands and wives should serve each other. How obvious it that? LOL. If you are serving, you can't think of yourself but you are continually meeting the needs of the other person and vice versa. The Word doesn't tell us to serve conditionally either. (That really hit me. Ha!)Awesome! Have a blessed day!

  5. I too have had times like that, when you aren't sure what to share with others. Some things are so precious that we don't want to cast our pearls before swine.

    I did chuckle at your post about being politically inforrect and being very transparent…ME TOO! LOL
    I have to be one of the MOST politically incorrect people I know…I just don't fit a mold. I also tend to be very outspoken about it. I am trying to learn to say my opinions with the spirit…I think it is received better that way…not always though.

    I would love to talk longer about this challenge we both seem to have, blogging isn't the place. If that is of interest to you, email me at ladypoet (@) and we can talk further.


  6. You are so witty, i caught myself giggling a couple times in this post. I love the description
    "little mouth almighty." Unfortunately the shoe fits me all too well. It is constant work to learn to keep my trap shut and remember that not everything that hits my brain needs to pass my lips.

    Blessings to You,

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