The Family that Competes Together

 Our final dance competition (since our directors decided to not attend the Nationals this year) was earlier this month.     Though I always cheer for the kids, this performance was special for our family.   All of the performance teams were given a chance to join with the original competitive team and form a larger production number.   For us, it meant that all three of our children danced together for the first time–and probably the last.    This was one of those moments that they may not appreciate until much later, but I can cherish it for its worth right now.   They will perform this dance number again for their recital, but since this was a first competition for the youngest, it was well worth capturing.

Our youngest has such a different personality than our older two–much more extroverted and, at times, outrageous.    It was a long day for her, and she was sometimes silly,

sometimes sassy,

but always cognizant of where she was, what this meant to her and everyone else involved, and prepared to give a good show.  She practiced for hours each day!

Our son’s mood was more melancholy.   This might be his last year competing (more on that later), and so he embraced the day with his usual air of professionalism mixed with slight depression.

The normal competitive team has only 8 members.   I’m not accustomed to photographing so many kids!   Bless my poor oldest’s heart–I cut off her face trying to get a shot of more of the team!

Here is the smaller, original competitive team waiting for their awards.   They were, yet again, the only participants in their category–an automatic first place trophy.    The larger team was amazing–they placed 3rd out of 7 teams.    Way to go!

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2 thoughts on “The Family that Competes Together

  1. Girl, you are too much! I love that word “sassy”–my hair is such a work in progress until, when it comes out half-way decent, I tell the kids, “Run, get the camera!”

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