Facebook Follies

For the last three Thursday nights, and two more to go, I’ve taught an evening class.   Preparing for this class has meant that I generally don’t get to that mid-week blog entry anymore.  Hopefully I’ll get back to writing more soon, but in the very short term I’ll work to just stay current with the weekly homeschool wrap-up meme.


I am not a Facebook user.   I made a very conscious decision that, though it might afford me the opportunity to meet more great friends and expand my network, I would rather spend my social networking time creating an informative, and occasionally entertaining (HA HA), blog.   I don’t deny anyone else a guilty pleasure, but I want to take on more activities that are along the lines of purpose, and less that might be good, but distracting.   Besides, because 90% of my classes are online, I spend enough time on the sidelines of family activities while at the computer.  Last night the youngest had another family of 3 girls come for a last-minute sleepover.   They had a movie night on last night, and then went bowling today.   Where was I?   At the hairdresser’s at 6 a.m. getting gorgeous (or at least trying to), and then returning to this computer to complete grades.   The men of the house, the superhero and our son, have been wonderful hostesses (smile).    In the meantime, I’ve read recently that the average time spent on Facebook is around 4 hours per session.   Yeah, like I need another 4 hours on the computer.


At any rate, our son found a couple of articles from World on the Web for his current events notebook.   I found these so neat until I couldn’t help but post them, in his words.


“Facebook Follies Part 1”

Two Australian kids were trapped inside a sewer.   The girls were 10 and 12.   Instead of using their mobile phones to call for help, they used them to post their situation on Facebook.   A friend was online when it happened.   That person called 911 and the girls were found.


“Facebook Follies Part 2”

A 19-year-old teen robbed a house.   His name was Johnathan G. Parker.   He went through drawers and cabinets and found diamond rings.   While he was there, Parker checked his Facebook profile.   But he didn’t log off.   The police found out who he was and arrested him.



Happy social networking to you!

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3 thoughts on “Facebook Follies

  1. I love those facebook follies. My kids have a current events notebook too.

    I'm on facebook now, but I don't spend much time on it. I don't really get it yet. But, it is interesting seeing what others put on their wall and I do send private messages sometimes to friends. It's good for finding people.

    I hope you had a great Sunday!


  2. Oh Belinda this so funny but at the same time a bit convicting :-)! I had read the story about the kid ( I still call them kids at 19) burglarizing the house and logging on to facebook and then forgetting to log out…his arrogance and ego caught up with him. I hadn't heard about the kids in the sewer though, hmm, I bet they got a lot of "comments" on that status! I do use facebook but primarily to keep in touch with my sister and her kids. But I think that if I had ever even come close to spending 4 hours on there my husband would have told me to drop it like a bad habit :-). My typing skills are a bit below par so just getting a new post up here at HSB takes me longer than I like. This was fun and did cause me to reflect on that "time" I am wasting/spending at FB.
    I hope your week is off to a fantastic start!
    Blessings, Julie

  3. The difficulty with that average time spent/wasted for facebook is that many facebook addicts play games while there. If all you do is check in on your friends then it really doesn't take that long.

    I had heard about the girls, I think it is very silly – although at that age kids are not know for their decision making skills.

    I also find it interesting they can access the internet from a hole in the ground, but I have difficulty using the phone part of my cell in my house. Apparently Australia's wireless network is superior to ours.

I'd love to hear your two cents!!