Our School in a Notebook

Not too long ago, I read a great article from a friend on recognizing and recuperating from homeschool burnout.    I’ve had that season in my life, but what struck me in reading through her post this time was a quote from Miss Charlotte Mason: The object of children’s literary studies is not to give them precise […]

Queen Bees: Social Insects?

This was our youngest dd’s written narration on honeybees as we continued our study of social insects earlier today.  The queen bee’s behavior had a particular impact upon her: ‘Bees take honey from smaller hives.  If the babies are fed royal food [a special diet for the queen’s growth] more than three days [the queen bee] kills them.   […]

Crickets in the Fridge

As I sent my dear husband to the tackle and bait shop for crickets, now for the third time (at least) in this season of home education, I couldn’t help but laugh at the hilarious places that science education has taken us over the years.    These crickets, while still alive, will go into the refrigerator.   That leads […]

The Wind of Change (to my Door Decor, that is)

We didn’t get the rain, but instead lasted through the windy side of Lee.   When I say windy, I mean wwwwiiiiiiiinnnnnddddddy.    The last of the fake flowers that had become little more than a hiding place for the occasional lizard fell off the wreath that hung on our door.    On a day when I was already […]