One of my favorite blog-hopping activities is to check out certain blogs and get ideas, especially from kinesthetically (hands-on) oriented bloggers. As a visual learner, I sometimes forget to add in components to our day that allow the busy little hands that belong to our youngest a chance to move! There are homes that thrive […]
Our School in a Notebook
Not too long ago, I read a great article from a friend on recognizing and recuperating from homeschool burnout. I’ve had that season in my life, but what struck me in reading through her post this time was a quote from Miss Charlotte Mason: The object of children’s literary studies is not to give them precise […]
Wednesdays, aka Dinosaur Days
For the lion’s share of this semester, Wednesday has been “Dinosaur Day.” At least, that’s what the 5-year-old calls it. This is the one day of the week that we put aside all of our books (well, at least our phonics studies–will I ever learn?) and have a bit of fun with science. I found […]