Several years ago, I read a post from one of the most inspirational bloggers I know, Linda Fay, who writes so practically about how to “do” a homeschool with a Charlotte Mason approach. In this particular pearl of wisdom, she used a food metaphor to illustrate the difference between a Charlotte Mason homeschool full of […]
The Ball Game
Children’s children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers. Proverbs 17:6
God in the Dance
If you subscribed to my other blog, which I’m now deleting, this will be a repeat entry for you. I am reposting this primarily to capture the few entries that I wanted to save. Enjoy the day. I talked about identity and passion in my last post, but I had a real-time opportunity to learn […]
Mimosa Trees and Memories
There are mornings when I awake thinking, “I’m going to write a blog post today.” It just feels like one of those kinds of mornings—the house is still quiet, the air inside is cool, and the sun is gorgeous coming through the window. The only problem is that I don’t have anything to say. I […]
God in the Dance
I talked about identity and passion in my last post, but I had a real-time opportunity to learn more about trust. We have, for years now, enrolled our children in a dance program close to home. I shared on my other blog (see here) that the center is not marketed as a […]