“If mothers could learn to do for themselves what they do for their children when these are overdone, we should have happier households. Let the mother go out to play! If she would have the courage to let everything go when life becomes too tense, and just take a day, or half a day, out […]
What’s New? From Our Point of View…
It is a beautifully sunny, 74-degree day here in coastal Texas, and with the oldest at college and our son at the dentist, the youngest decided to school outside. Funny, this was my vision when we first began homeschooling—days outside on a picnic blanket, completing schoolwork and viewing exotic animals. (You can stop laughing now). […]
Senior Year: Rigorous or Relaxed?
There is an amusing wall photo traveling the Facebook circuit right now regarding homeschools. You’ve probably seen it, but the bottom line, so to speak, of the photo is that what actually happens in most homeschools is very different than the perception of outsiders–the neighbors, the government, public school friends, professional teachers, etc. Indeed, I talked […]
5 Considerations when a Homeschool Schedule is Just Paper
Blessed are the flexible, for they’ll never be bent out of shape. At least, that’s what I’ve heard. I pride myself on spending gargantuan amounts of time each summer planning our school days–selecting curriculum, thinking through a workable schedule, ordering my own workload in order to take advantage of peaks and valleys in each child’s […]
Current Events:1st Crack
In my last post, I shared my youngest’s desire to add current events to her course work, and, to a larger extent, to emulate her brother and sister. She’s completed her current events for 2 weeks now, and her results are well worth capturing. Here is a sample of her summary. “Stitches of Hope” […]