Business is Booming and Blooming in Spring

I sure hate Puxatony Phil saw his shadow. I am soooooo ready for spring. Even though we had some desperately needed winter weather (for the sake of killing bugs), everything around here looks dead and lifeless. I want to see “green.” I am doing my part, as I wait, to “birth” some things, too. So […]

If You Lived When There was Slavery in America…

  Those outside of the homeschool community sometimes consider us weird or goofy.  Quite honestly,  I consider myself pretty cool, but I get it.  We are creatures of habit–unconventional habits.  When you are constantly together, as one example, your first thought rarely involves dropping your child off somewhere while you do your own thing.   […]

How to Build a Worldchanger

One of my favorite conference presentations is a concept I refer to as teaching inclusive history.  It is my passion, and the foundation upon which I have educated our children and sought to educate others for a number of years now.   I truly do believe that when we give our children a Godly heart for […]

Introducing… My High School History Curriculum

I am believing God that 2016 will be another tremendous year for me, an unprecedented season of using my small hinges to open big doors.   And it starts right here. “When I Was a Child” is the long-awaited high school history curriculum that will conclude our elementary, middle school, and now high school history […]

Following the Path to Freedom

‘I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.’    Miss Harriet Tubman Though our trip to Niagara Falls was a purposeful excursion while dropping our daughter off at her home-away-from-home for […]