If you have ever worked with or even seen a builder, you know the importance of a plan. The written plan is the point of communication between all parties regarding what results are expected. The plan is a roadmap. The plan lends focus when life begins to unravel. Finally, the plan can be used […]
Getting the Most out of Homeschool Conferences
Can I confess something? Until 2012, I had not been to a homeschooling conference that required me to put on something other than pajamas in years. In a homeschooling community that thrives on conferences and gatherings in general, I had reached—or so I thought—that point in my homeschooling journey where conferences had little to offer. […]
How to Pick the Right Curriculum
Before you get too excited, let me say that this article will not suggest any one curriculum, or devalue any other curriculum. There are far too many choices out there for me to offer much wisdom in that area. Indeed, homeschooling has come a long way from the few publishers that would actually sell to […]
9 Ways to Rest and Restore
“If mothers could learn to do for themselves what they do for their children when these are overdone, we should have happier households. Let the mother go out to play! If she would have the courage to let everything go when life becomes too tense, and just take a day, or half a day, out […]
2010-11 Reading Plans
‘The study of great books allows the past to speak for itself, combining history, creative writing, philosophy, politics, and ethics into a seamless whole. The goal…is a greater understanding of our own civilization, country, and place in time, stemming from an understanding of what has come before us…The goal of classical education is not an […]