Using Social Media

My husband made an observation some months back while trying to send me an online article for later reading: it is hard to just send someone an article anymore.    The assumption is that everyone has a Twitter and/or Facebook account.    So, very recently, he bit the proverbial bullet and became a Twitter enrollee.    After a […]

A New Start

I’ve blogged for the past four years.   I loved everything about blogging–meeting new people, penning my heart and mind, and every now and then, putting a facelift on my blog template.   So, after my previous provider site crashed, I should be excited about this new venture, right?   Well, I’m still trying to get there.   I […]

First Fruits (and Vegetables)

    Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.     Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Matthew 9: 37-38

Homeschool Survey–pt.2 (the Follow-up Plan)

Having listed the kids’ numerous suggestions on how to improve our school (as well as what they like, lest I focus solely on what not’s right), I was dumbfounded for a moment.   In hindsight, it’s probably because the six-year-old went last, and it was hard to write down that long list of what could change without […]