Things We Gained in the Recession

There is a movie that runs the HBO circuit occasionally, entitled “Things We Lost in the Fire.”    Though I’ve never watched the movie, my take from the previews is that the plot details the intangibles that people lose when tragedy occurs.   Sometimes it’s not the material things that matter so much as those items that money can’t […]

Weekly Homeschool Wrap-Up, August 22, 2010

        It’s weekly wrap-up time!   If you want to join in, we’d love to see what is going on with you, so please visit Mary.    The post that has been in me for close to three weeks has finally decided to come out.    Ready for some serious rambling?     From where I sat this […]

Yummy Monday: Easy Peach Cobbler

    A couple of followers had asked me to send a recipe for a very easy cobbler recipe I bragged about some weeks ago on Twitter.   Even though I cook often, I’ve never been one to post recipes.   My family enjoys my cooking, and I’m able to give each person’s peculiarities a unique and flavorful […]

What I did this summer

Given that we’re starting school on next week, I suppose this is an appropriate title.   During the week that I wrote my last post, there was also Vacation Bible School (VBS).      This picture doesn’t fully capture the work that was put into transforming our church gymnasium into a high seas adventure—ocean-like wallpaper and all.   […]