Given that we’re starting school on next week, I suppose this is an appropriate title. During the week that I wrote my last post, there was also Vacation Bible School (VBS). This picture doesn’t fully capture the work that was put into transforming our church gymnasium into a high seas adventure—ocean-like wallpaper and all. […]
So much has happened in the last 1-1/2 weeks and I’m having trouble sorting it into a coherent blog post, but I’ll give it a shot. Maybe chronological order will help. We ordered our steps to have a very uneventful Independence Day, turning down a couple of invitations to get together for grilling, formal fireworks […]
The busiest summer–(until next year)
Unless the Lord says differently, this has been/ will be our summer: Weeks 1 and 2: preparation for this year’s dance recital Week 3: oldest in class for PSAT review Week 4 (this week): oldest away at camp Week 5: oldest in class for PSAT review, part II Week 6: son at National Dance competition […]
Dance Recital 2010
Plan A was to compile a Photobucket slide show that would show off the many photos that I wanted to share. I then found out that the HSB upgrade doesn’t support Photobucket slide shows, and there’s a new program/ plug-in that I’d need to master in order to post my slide show. Later for that–literally. […]