4 Must Haves for High School

I love to shop in August. As a parent who homeschools, I am tickled, for lack of a better word, by the marketing of everything as a “back to school” necessity. Towels, computers, small appliances, health and beauty items — a student’s trip back to school has to be the most marketed event right after Christmas and […]

Helping Your Child Deal with Disappointments

“So, where are you going?”  If you have a child in your life who graduated this year (or any other year, for that matter), you have heard this question at least once, if not one hundred times.   For some kids, the answer is an assured trip to x college in y city. For others, the answer might be a […]

You Call it Home; Will Colleges Call it School?

How do we fit our children’s educational experiences into a traditional high school mold? The dilemma that this poses for many homeschoolers could not be better summed up than in this example, a question from a fellow homeschooler, posted on a Yahoo loop to which I once subscribed: I’m almost finished with my daughter’s course […]