You Call it Home; Will Colleges Call it School?

How do we fit our children’s educational experiences into a traditional high school mold? The dilemma that this poses for many homeschoolers could not be better summed up than in this example, a question from a fellow homeschooler, posted on a Yahoo loop to which I once subscribed: I’m almost finished with my daughter’s course […]

Senior Year: Rigorous or Relaxed?

There is an amusing wall photo traveling the Facebook circuit right now regarding homeschools.    You’ve probably seen it, but the bottom line, so to speak, of the photo is that what actually happens in most homeschools is very different than the perception of outsiders–the neighbors, the government, public school friends, professional teachers, etc.    Indeed, I talked […]

Creating a Set of Experiences

Have you ever heard a word or phrase that seemingly “stuck” with you?   That conversation that you psychologically cannot turn loose?   The words are obviously meant to marinate, but the “why” isn’t apparent in the moment.   I had this experience a few months ago when I ran into a former coach at our youngest daughter’s […]