It occurs to me, especially now with older children who are increasingly away from mom and dad, that a bit of education is needed to prepare our children for those who make automatic assumptions about them once our educational choice becomes a part of the conversation. Homeschooling no longer exists under the hide-your-children-inside-until-after-school-hours paradigm where […]
Fitting Big Business into your Little Homeschool Planner
We’re baaaaaccccckkkkk, at least for a brief moment! We had a tremendous time, and experienced God’s “blow-your-mind” blessings as described in Ephesians 3:20. Then, during this past weekend, our older two participated in an academic competition. Given the trip to Memphis, we literally went almost around the clock preparing in the last minute-effort to give […]
The Value of Not Planning (too much)
Right after I posted my last post, I ran across this quote while reading someone else’s blog. Miss Mason speaks here to the heart of not over-planning: “They must be left to themselves for a good part of the day to take in their own impressions of nature’s beauty. There’s nothing worse than children being […]
From A Mother’s Heart: The Blessing of Home Education
The following information is also posted on our website at Enjoy as you continue to prepare your heart, soul, and mind for educating your child at home. As I discuss in Our History, HIS-Story, we entered into this season of our lives with all the enthusiasm and anxieties of first-time homeschooling parents. Though […]